Il Cammino Delle Chiese Campestri

From the partnership between 9 municipalities of Upper Molise, Agnone, Belmonte del Sannio, Capracotta, Castel del Giudice, Castelverrino, Civitanova del Sannio, Pescopennataro, Poggio Sannatita, and Sant’Angelo del Pesco, the project of sustainable tourism which involves the creation of about 90 kilometers of Outdoor Routes equipped with directional signage and the creation of digital information and navigation tools that will change the approach of visiting the area.

Presentation today at Palazzo San Francesco, in Agnone, in the presence of several local administrators, the president of Gal Alto Molise, Serena Di Nucci, the designers, and the managers of the implementing company Dimensione Explorer, of the project “The Way of the Country Churches.”

The action, brought by GAL Alto Molise and funded with FEASR fundsEuropean Agricultural Fund for Rural Development – PSR Molise Region 2014 – 2020, aims to. Improve the attractiveness of the area supporting interventions of implementation, arrangement and improvement of routes already implemented (trails, paths, paths and sheep tracks) in a logic of improvement, especially with the intention of interconnecting them with other routes inside and outside the area.

The route, divided into ten “itineraries“, winds through 9 historic centers and 15 small churches, each with its own particular history.

In the presented Touristic Hiking Map, in addition to the useful information for organizing the trip (Map scale 1: 50,000, Points of Interest, Territory, Historical Heritage, Equipment Recommendations), also present the classification of routes according to difficulty in hiking edited by CAI – Italian Alpine Club.

All the information material, Hiking Tourist Guide Cartoguide and Information Brochure of the 15 “country churches,” as well as the Gpx file (georeferenced data) of the individual Routes is available for download from the website.