Il Cammino Delle Chiese Campestri

GeoResQ,, is a service run by the National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps, promoted by the Italian Alpine Club with the support of the Ministry of Tourism.

The free downloadableapplication dedicated to mountain activities can directly send a call for help to Mountain and Caving Rescue by reporting the route and location when you are in danger and need rescue.

“Making the GeoResQ app free has meant putting safety first to ensure everyone can enjoy mountain activities with the full knowledge that they have a direct line to rescuers in case of need.”

TheGeoResQ app has established itself as an important tool for all mountain users and can be regarded as a “brother” that accompanies hiking in the mountains by tracking the route of hikers in real time.

In case of urgent need for rescue, in the mountains, in caves and in inaccessible environments, theapp provides immediate geolocation, for example, if you have lost your way or due to various causes, fog, darkness or bad weather and do not know where you are, rather than in case of an accident or fall that impairs your faculties of movement and your health.

As always, technology can never replace the technical skills and prudence that each of us must have in order to enjoy our hikes with peace of mind, but GeoResQ is undoubtedly a valuable aid during both the summer and winter periods.

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