Capracotta, a ski resort at 1421 meters above sea level located in the center of a mountain system bordered by Mount Capraro and Mount Campo, is now a well-equipped reference point for all cross-country skiing in the south central region in the beautiful natural setting of Prato Gentile. Local stone architecture, misty landscapes of the Apennine mountains, abundant snow in winter and fresh air in summer, excellent local dairy products and pecorino cheese, Capracotta boasts very ancient origins.
Capracotta is the magical silence of mountain snow, at 1421 meters above sea level, where flakes descend as large and dense as swan feathers. In spring, it is the intoxicating scent of the essences of the Apennine Flora Garden, among the highest botanical gardens in Italy. In summer, it is the merriment of aperitifs on Corso Sant’Antonio, where Capracottesi from all over the world gather for annual greetings. In autumn, however, it is the vibrant orange of the beech forest of Prato Gentile, among the most important Apennine trails for cross-country skiing. Capracotta is the authentic expression of the seasons, the ancient ones that marked time and the memory of men. Despite almost complete reconstruction after World War II, the village still offers striking views and a superb view of the Sangro Valley from the churchyard of the 18th-century collegiate church of Santa Maria Assunta. Imposing and beautiful is the 18th-century organ, the so-called “Principalone,” made by master organ builders from Poggio Sannita and other talented local craftsmen. Also worth visiting, the shrine of St. Mary of Loreto, at the entrance to the village, for centuries a resting place and meeting place for transhumant shepherds.
The local dairy tradition, which has always been strong and well-established, gives birth to Pecorino di Capracotta, a historic traditional cheese with a
P.A.T. (Traditional Agri-food Product) trademark.
. Renowned, then, are the dairies in the area that process, with ancient artisan wisdom, the milk of cows and sheep that are strictly grazing. Among the best-known regional events, the Pezzata festival offers tourists and locals the chance to taste a traditional sheep meat dish in the beautiful clearing of Prato Gentile every first Sunday in August.
In 1957, “Count Max” directed by Giorgio Bianchi was released in theaters. A young Alberto Sordi plays, in this film, a newsboy who intends to spend his winter vacation in Capracotta, his grandfather’s village, at the time among the most important mountain resorts in south-central Italy.

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The “Walk of the Country Churches” is an outdoor trail of about 90 kilometers connecting 9 historical centers e 15 small churches scattered throughout the territory of Agnone, Belmonte del Sannio, Capracotta, Castel del Giudice, Castelverrino, Civitanova del Sannio, Pescopennataro, Poggio Sannita e Sant’Angelo del Pesco.
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INITIATIVE FUNDED BY THE FEASR – European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development – PSR Molise Region 2014 – 2020