Il Cammino Delle Chiese Campestri



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To describe the artistic beauties and millennial history that one can breathe in the streets and squares of Agnone’s historic center one must reach there and be transported by the gaze that lingers on the stone portals, bell towers, and magnificent churches that exude art in their exterior facades and interior furnishings and paintings. This city of art boasts the Touring Club ‘s Orange Flag , which certifies tourism-environmental quality. Agnone is in fact an open clielo meseo, where churches, portals, palaces, craft stores and the Marinelli Foundry make this town a“unicum.”


St. Emidio Church

is ancient in art and history
. Everything here has been made with hands, head and heart since the Samnite era. It is an intricate ball of gates and portals, churches and noble palaces, charming cobbled alleys. Metalworking, including precious metals, has distinguished Agnone for centuries. Even today coppersmiths’ and artisans’ workshops enrich the charming downtown streets including one of the oldest artisanal foundries in the world, the Pontificia Fonderia Marinelli which has been making bells since 1339. Visiting his forge and the attached museum is a truly unique experience. Also not to be missed is the Francesco Gerbasi Historical Copper Museum. About a dozen beautiful churches of value in the village, including the spectacular church of St. Emidio, the church of St. Anthony Abbot, and the church with convent of St. Francis.

During the walk, one cannot fail to be enchanted by the intimate and cozy atmosphere of Piazza Plebiscito, where one can have an aperitif lulled by the sound of the cool waters of the 19th-century fountain. Excellent is the dairy production that can boast, among others, two branded products P.A.T. (Prodotti Agroalimentari Tradizionali):caciocavallo and stracciata. Don’t miss the guided tours with tasting in the Museum of Dairy Art and Transhumance at the historic Di Nucci dairy. Renowned local pastry shops and bakeries that make traditional and ancient sweets, such as filled wafers, mostaccioli, and curly sugared almonds. The beating heart of this small Apennine town lights up with life during the most intense and heartfelt event of the entire year: the Ndocciata. This historic Christmas Eve procession (organized in spectacular form on the second Saturday in December), sees men from the five contrade parading in traditional dress with huge fiery fans on their shoulders, the ‘ndocce (flashlights).

According to tradition, master blacksmiths and goldsmiths are said to have arrived in the village in the 11th century in the retinue of Landolfo Borrello, who had served for a time in the pay of the Doge of Venice. Several architectural elements typical of the style of the lagoon city can be seen in the so-called “neighborhood Venetian“.



ALTITUDE: 848m a.s.l.

Agnone Web site

The “Walk of the Country Churches” is an outdoor trail of about 90 kilometers connecting 9 historical centers e 15 small churches scattered throughout the territory of Agnone, Belmonte del Sannio, Capracotta, Castel del Giudice, Castelverrino, Civitanova del Sannio, Pescopennataro, Poggio Sannita e Sant’Angelo del Pesco.

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INITIATIVE FUNDED BY THE FEASR European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development PSR Molise Region 2014 – 2020

Italian Republic
Molise Region
PSR Molise
GAL Altomolise