Il Cammino Delle Chiese Campestri

In Italy there are many itineraries for
walk and live

“, the Cammino delle Chiese Campestri is among them. Walking outdoors, following a specific path, immersing ourselves in a place with body, mind and heart propels us into a new dimension in which time “seems to be slowing down” to make us enjoy the place we are passing through, the territory, the details of nature, things that the daily hustle and bustle prevents us from grasping.

Walks can be traveled for various reasons: from the
discovery of villages
, to the
contact with nature
, to
living an authentic experience
or even for a
spiritual motive
For this we recommend The Cammino delle Chiese Campestri, a 90-kilometer itinerary that runs through 10 stages and passes through 9 villages, discovering traditions, products of the territories, with art and culture at the center.

Since it is quite a long route, one can decide to do even a portion of it, for example, the part that passes through the villages of Agnone, Capracotta, Pescopennataro, Sant’Angelo del Pesco and Castel del Giudice, rather than the part that runs through the villages of Civitanova del Sannio, Poggio Sannita, Castelverrino and Belmonte del Sannio.

Choose theitinerary you prefer and Come discover the natural beauty and sights of Upper Molise.

Slow travel allows you to discover the world with different eyes and savor it more authentically.